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Extensive training programs covering security awareness, cyber defence expertise, and ethical hacking.

Cyber Security Awareness

Including practical phishing exercises using email.

Continuous training and feedback for individuals.

For tailored attacks, see our red team service.

Cyber Defense Skills

Cyber defense training helps people and companies understand how incidents could be stopped before the occurrence of attacks on various electronic items.

Ethical Hacking

Performing ethical hacking training means searching for holes in software, systems, and the organisation’s infrastructure.

The Importance of Cybersecurity Training

The Significance of Cybersecurity Training Regardless of the financial investments, the complex nature of technology, and rigorous compliance requirements, using technical cybersecurity solutions only is not satisfactory. Despite this, one careless action such as clicking a malicious link by an oversight employee can put everything at risk, even if your current cyber defences block off 99.9% of cyber-attacks, including some sophisticated virus or phishing email-related ones. While you are hopeful that your personnel have eyes where cybersecurity is involved, responsible organisations should take pre-emptive measures and embark on a sustained program of training and awareness on this matter.